The Company’s products are developed and processed in a manner that is consistent with the deeply rooted traditional Zimbabweans health regimen that combines the use of medicinal properties with a regular diet of healthy food. Agri-TrIn provides business development services, through a wide range of technical activities in support of both private and public sector development. The focus is primarily to develop small and medium scale enterprises as a direct service provider, as well as in partnership with the Government, Donors, Investors, Financial Institutions and International Development Organizations.


  • Objectives
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  • • To use improved crop and livestock production technologies; and innovative management techniques for maximum enterprises profitability;
  • • To assist small and medium scale enterprises with identification and implementation of smart solutions to their business planning, management and financing problems;
  • • To process and market quality crop and livestock products at prices that are high enough to meet all production, marketing and management costs along the way making profit;
  • • To design and carry out policy relevant studies, with a focus on rural development policies and strategies;
  • • To form mutually beneficial partnerships with individual farmers, local and foreign investors, farmer groups/associations, traders, whole sellers and enter strategic partnerships with serious investors in agri-business including crop, forage and livestock value chains.

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  • Services
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  • • Identification, design, appraisal, monitoring and evaluation of development projects in agricultural sector.
  • • Conduct of policy analysis and preparation of short, medium and long term agricultural and rural development strategies.
  • • Assessment of agricultural research activities and preparation of short, medium and long term research plans and strategies.
  • • Design and conduct of on-farm research activities aimed at assessing the adaptability and adoptability of new agricultural technology for specific locations and agro-ecological zones.
  • • Conducting institutional, management and portfolio due diligence on microfinance institutions for strategic investment decisions.
  • • Design and provide technical backstopping for rural credit and microfinance schemes.

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  • Products
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  • The Company’s products are developed and processed in a manner that is consistent with the deeply rooted traditional Zimbabweans health regimen that combines the use of medicinal properties with a regular diet of healthy food. Agri-TrIn provides business development services, through a wide range of technical activities in support of both private and public sector development. The focus is primarily to develop small and medium scale enterprises as a direct service provider, as well as in partnership with the Government, Donors, Investors, Financial Institutions and International Development Organizations.
  • • Food
  • • Agriculture
  • • Agricultural Engineering Products
  • • veterinary Inputs
  • • Farming Equipment
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